Monday, March 13, 2017

Beyond General Fitness: Weight Training: Training Set Up (DUP).

So if you have read my last post and you have decided that you want to a bulk building phase then there are a few things that you need to do before you start a cycle.  The training method that I am going to talk about is the latest training info called DUP or Daily Undulating Periodization.  Before starting this you need to choose which lifts you are going to train have a baseline of you 1RM or One Rep Max or some people call this a PR or Personal Record.

First you will need to decide the exercises that you want to train and keep track of.  Most athletes choose Bench Press, Back Squats and Dead Lift as these are the most simple lifts.  These lifts are also the main lifts in most Power Lifting Competitions.

There are also Olympic lifts that can be picked as well.  Those are the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk.

Of course these lifts are only just a starting point.  You could do others as well.

Now that you have your lifts you need to have a baseline with which to measure progress with.  What that means is that you need to find your 1RM.  In order to do that you might need to have multiple training sessions in order to find your true 1RM.  It is best to only test one lift a day and make sure for most lifts when doing 1RM you should have a spotter to help you out. 

Now that you have the basics set up, i.e. what lifts and 1RM in those lifts, you will need to make a schedule and plan.  We will go over that in the next post.

Images from Crossfittyler and allthingsgym

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