
This will be a page where I will put definitions in for terms that I use on my general fitness and workouts.  This page will be updated as I use the terms.

Base Metabolic Rate (BMR):  The rate of calories that you body burns to just live 24 hours. (See)

Bouldering:  A gym that has large rock walls that can be scaled without a harness or ropes.  (See)

Diet Calories:  500 calories removed from you Maintenance Calories that will enable people to lose approximately 1 pound a week. 

De-Load:  A de-load is a week in which an athlete does a much lower intensity work outs.  Runners will go fewer miles slower and weight lifters will decrease the weight of their lifts.  It is common to go at approximately 60% to 80% if not less.  It is used to give the muscles a break in order to recover.

Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP):  Daily or during each workout, you’ll be performing the same main movements. These movements are compound, multi-joint exercises like the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press (or the variation of these that suit you the best).  Undulating is defined as “moving in a wave-like motion.” With DUP, the weights, rep scheme, and intensity you use for each exercise will change with every workout ,going from light to moderate to heavy weights, and from high to medium to low reps. The goal of periodization is progression towards maximizing strength while minimizing fatigue and injury. With DUP, the daily variation of periodization places enough stress on your body to continually make progress, yet it doesn’t allow it to adapt to the stress and plateau.

ITBS (IT Band Syndrome):  A common problem with runners that cause pain on the outside of the knee, hip and hamstring.

Maintenance Calories:  The amount of calories you must eat in order to survive the day and not lose weight.

My Fitness Pal (MFP):  Is an application that Joe uses to track calories.

Obstacle Coarse Racing (OCR):  A long race that includes running and completing obstacles.  i.e. Spartan, Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash.

One Rep Max (1RM):  The name says it all, but this is with any weight lifting exercise the maximum weight that you will only be able to do a lift one time.

Personal Record (PR):  This is your personal record for any exercise from weight lifting, running distance or running a certain distance in a certain time. 

Recompostion:  The term that is used to stay the same weight but replace body fat with muscle.

Re-Feed:  Is the term to eat Maintenance calories for an entire week to let the body know it is ok to still lose weight.

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation):  Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation is a common cure all for most inflammatory problems with muscles, fascia and joints.

Rotations:  Workout term that Average Joe Fit uses to break up his running workouts with strength training.

Taper:  A taper is a week before an event that an athlete strategically reduce the amount of working out they do in order to rest  your muscles.  It is to help them peak for your event.  A Taper can be a week or even two weeks leading up to the event.

TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure):  This is a calculation to determine what a persons Maintenance calories should be eaten in a day.

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