Saturday, March 25, 2017

Beyond General Fitness: Weight Training: Callus and Hand Care.

Ok so I know that this might be an odd subject, but with weightlifting and bouldering we all develop calluses.  It is inevitable with repetitive motions on things that are purposely textured to increase grip.  It is a natural skin response as almost a defense mechanism. 

As you can see from my hand I have circled the calluses that I have developed over the past year of weight training and three months of bouldering.  Now if cared for the calluses will not really bother training in any way shape or form.

If not taken care of you can tear the callus off and cause bleeding and scabbing as you can see from my hands above.  This was before I started caring for my hands correctly.  This put a big damper on my weightlifting for about a week or two.  The reason that calluses rips is because when you are doing a workout with either a bar or climbing grips your calluses are slightly raised above the skin around it.  This gives the object something to grab a hold of.  The callus with then in best case peal off and in worse case rip.

Now in order to keep your calluses from tearing you have to do two fairly simple things.  Keep your hands somewhat hydrated and shaving the calluses down.  Now those two things sound complicated and odd together, but they can be done very simply.

Hand Hydration:  Simply use some sort of lotion or ointment once a day will keep you hands hydrated.

Shaving the Calluses:  It sounds terrible, but women get the dead skin removed all the time during pedicures.  It doesn't even have to be that complicated.
This brush is called a Pumice stone brush and it is linked to the left of my blog.  After your shower everyday rub the stone side across your calluses.  It will cause skin pealing over your calluses, but the pealing is keeping your calluses in check.  Since I started to use a similar brush as the one posted I have yet to have a callus rip to the point of bleeding or scabbing.  That isn't to say I have not had one peal off, but no ripping and no stopping my training. 

Even though these things might seem odd or different or for some readers unmanly.  It isn't as this is just simply a tool to keep training at max volume and preventing any set backs. 

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Also RockTape for your KT tape needs @

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Couldn't agree more. Taking care of your hands is an often overlooked maintenance procedure for some off your primary climbing gear (your hands!).
