Monday, February 13, 2017

Average Joe Story Part 5: A New Diet Plan and The Next Exercise

So after learning that I had gone into ketoacidosis I had to spend two weeks eating more food then I had in several months.  Thankfully my older brother was an expert at managing weight loss in a safe manner and gave me a new plan.  Diet for 5 days then 2 days of maintenance calories and after four weeks of that rotation take an entire week of maintenance calories (I'll go more in depth with this on a diet / calories post). 

The new plan was amazing as there was always a bonus in sight.  If I was good for five days I could really enjoy a few extra calories on the weekend.  Then if I was good for a month I would get a whole week of extra calories.  It was amazing and after a small weight gain getting my body out of ketoacidosis I started losing  once again.

The weight continued to come off and my new diet plan was amazing, but Insanity from was getting stale and old.  So during the summer I started to go for jogs.  The runs weren't long, but they were amazingly fast. 

It seems that doing Insanity had primed my body to be able to run faster then I had run since high school.  It was quite shocking so I had to find out some new apps to track my running.  I attempted to use Endomondo, but the GPS tracking was terrible around my house.  My older sister told me to use a different app that she used while running and it is Cardio Trainer.  After a little tweaking the app was tracking much more efficiently then the prior app.  I had also purchased a Fitbit over the Christmas holidays and was using the heart rate monitor to help with the exercises.  It was all coming together.

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