Saturday, February 25, 2017

Illness and Fitness Journey.

I didn't think about making this post until I started feeling ill on Thursday.  I apparently have a head cold so here we go.

Illness happens.  Getting sick sucks and can put a big hold on any fitness goal or training plan.  It is an unfortunate pare of life, but getting sick happens.  This post I'll post things that you can do to minimize sickness, get over being sick faster and what can you do while being sick.

Getting sick while trying to lose weight or prep for a competition is a real downer, but in the world we live in we have to do our best with what we got.  So what can you do to try and minimize getting sick?  Wash your hands regularly is the most effective way of not getting sick.  Covering coughs are important as well, but washing hands after coughing is also important.  The only problem is washing after every cough can get tedious.  Wash bed linens after you or your partner has been sick can also minimize the spread of the illness.

Things that you can do to get better faster.  There are a lot of old wives tails that have different things that you can do and if they work for you then great.  These are a few things that work for me and have a general approval of the medical community.  Drink lots of water as being hydrated can help the body fight off what ever type of bug you might have.  Vitamin C is known building block of the immune system and will also help fight off the bug.  Get lots of sleep if possible.  During sleep is when our bodies are able to repair itself and restore it to a full functionality.  Sleep is paramount. 

The final thing I want to talk about is the fact that you are sick doesn't give you a free pass to eat what ever or do what ever you want.  It is difficult, but it is for the best to try not to eat everything in sight while sick.  The best thing to do is up your calories so that you are at least at maintenance calories if not a hundred or two hundred over maintenance calories.  This is best while you are sick because your body is already stressed and being in a deficit while being sick can make the sickness last longer, be worse and a long list of other things.  So take the time to eat a little extra, but don't go over board and rest up.

As I am currently sick and have a grade school age children I am actually shocked that I'm not sick more often, but these are my words of advice for people on a fitness journey and hit a small road block on their way.

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