Monday, February 13, 2017

Average Joe Story Final Part: Obstacle Course Racing and Continued Fitness

So as 2016 continued to pass I continued to train for the August Spartan Race and had even conned my older sister and her son into running it with me. 

Now my wife and I had been trying to have our second child all this time.  There were two failed pregnancies during my journey so far and it had felt like we would never have a second, but we didn't stop trying.  My wife had gotten pregnant a third time, but neither of us wanted to get our hopes up as we didn't want to be disappointed.  We just kept living life as normal always thinking that the baby wouldn't make it for some reason. 

He was just fine of course and was born in May.  Now I had a plan set up to continue to workout even with a newborn.  My wife approved of my plan because I was going to limit my workouts to under thirty minutes.  I picked up p90x3 and Insanity Max 30 from I bet you can guess  They were both around thirty minutes long and if all else failed would keep my fitness level to a status quo during the early months of newborn life.

The workouts did keep my fitness level the same and even improved it in small amounts.  August came and I put all my training to the test

My training was good, but not great.  I had reached another long term goal and needed the next one.  Thankfully Spartan Race had three lengths and if you complete all three in a year you get a special medal.  So I had my next goal finish a half marathon, 15k and another short race to do what is called a Trifecta.

So now in 2017 I am still working on my fitness.  This time to do a Trifecta and maybe even a regular half marathon.

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